Lathe Spindle Nose Identification Chart

Review the diagrams below to determine your spindle nose type. Analyze the corresponding chart and make the required measurements. Select the spindle nose size for your chuck or adapter plate.

Type D - Camlock

Camlock pins are made with a D shape cutout on its body. They are used to mount a chuck to a lathe spindle.

D1-3 to D1-4 chucks and adapter plates have 3 camlock pins.
D1-5 to D1-15 chucks and adapter plates have 6 camlock pins.

To mount a chuck, a lathe operator inserts a chuck’s camlock pins into the lathe spindle, and using a wrench to rotate a cam inside the spindle, the operator pulls the camlock pins inward to snug the chuck tightly against the spindle.

Lathe Spindle Nose Camlock D Type Mounting

Spindle Nose SizeABCDEF
D1-3 92 53.983 11 32 3x15.1 70.6
D1-4 117 63.521 11 34 3x16.7 82.6
D1-5 146 82.573 13 38 6x19.8 104.8
D1-6 181 106.385 14 45 6x23 133.4
D1-8 225 139.731 16 50 6x26.2 171.4
D1-11 298 196.883 18 60 6x31 235
D1-15 403 285.791 19 70 6x35.7 330.2
D1-20 546 412.795 21 82 6x42.1 463.6


Type A1 - Short Taper

Tapped holes on outer-bolt circle and tapped holes on inner-bolt circle.

Lathe Spindle Nose A1 Type Taper Mounting

Spindle Nose SizeABCDE1F1E2F2
A1-5 133.4 82.575 14.288 22.2 11x7/16-14 UNC 104.8 8x7/16-14 UNC 61.9
A1-6 165.1 106.390 15.875 25.4 11x1/2-13 UNC 133.4 8x1/2-13 UNC 82.6
A1-8 209.5 139.735 17.462 28.6 11x5/8-11 UNC 171.4 8x5/8-11 UNC 111.1
A1-11 279.4 196.885 19.05 34.9 11x3/4-10 UNC 235 8x3/4-10 UNC 165.1
A1-15 381 285.8 20.638 41.3 12x7/8-9 UNC 330.2 11x7/8-9 UNC 247.6
A1-20 520 412.8 22.225 47.6 12x1-8 UNC 463.6 11x1-8 UNC 368.3


Type A2 - Short Taper

Tapped holes on outer-bolt circle, no holes on inner-bolt circle.

Lathe Spindle Nose A2 Type Taper Mounting

Spindle Nose SizeABCDE1F1
A2-3 92.1 53.985 11.1 15.9 3x7/16-14 UNC 70.66
A2-4 108 63.525 11.1 19 11x7/16-14 UNC 82.55
A2-5 133.4 82.575 12.7 22.2 11x7/16-14 UNC 104.8
A2-6 165.1 106.390 14.3 25.4 11x1/2-13 UNC 133.4
A2-8 209.5 139.735 15.9 28.6 11x5/8-11 UNC 171.4
A2-11 279.4 196.885 17.5 34.9 11x3/4-10 UNC 235
A2-15 381 285.8 19 41.3 12x7/8-9 UNC 330.2
A2-20 520 412.8 20.6 47.6 12x1-8 UNC 463.6


Type L - Long Taper

For centering and locating fittings, a key for positive location, and a flanged retention nut.

Lathe Spindle Nose Type L Long Spindle Taper Mounting

Spindle Nose SizeABCDDrive Key
L00 69.850 3 3/4-6 UNS 50.800 14.288 9.525x38.1
L0 82.550 4 1-2/-6 60.325 15.875 9.525x44.45
L1 104.775 6-6 UNS 73.025 19.050 15.875x60.32
L2 133.350 7 3/4-5 UNS 85.725 25.400 19.05x73.02
L3 165.100 10 3/8-4 UNS 94.425 28.575 25.4x82.55



Lathe Spindle Nose Threaded Taper Mounting

M 20 21 30 6.3 10 20
M 24 25 36 8 12 24
M 33 34 50 9 14 30
M 39 40 56 10 16 35
M 45 46 67 11 18 40
M 52 55 80 12 20 45
M 60 62 90 14 22 50
M 76x6 78 112 16 30 63
M 105x6 106 150 20 40 80